Hirsch Law Group: Robbery Lawyer in Chicago

Robbery Attorney in Chicago

When facing Chicago, IL, robbery charges, you’re looking at years, if not decades, behind bars and crippling fines. The surge in aggravated and armed robberies in Illinois has led to stringent penalties, making it almost impossible to fight such a charge alone.

Securing experienced legal representation immediately is critical for your case. The experience, knowledge, and resources of a robbery lawyer in Chicago, IL, can make a difference in how your case is handled and tried.

The Hirsch Law Group’s skilled criminal defense attorney stands ready to fight for your rights and protect you from the severe aftermath of a conviction. They will explain your charges, lay out your options, and prepare a strong defense strategy for you.

If you or your loved one is under investigation for robbery, you must act fast. Your lawyer will ensure your rights aren’t violated and you don’t implicate yourself.

Robbery Crimes Under Illinois Law

In Illinois, robbery is divided into three categories, depending on the circumstances of the crime. Regardless, they all come with severe penalties.

1. Robbery

According to 720 ILCS 5/18-1, robbery occurs when a person takes property from someone else by the use of force or threat of force. This includes situations where the victim is threatened with harm, violence, or a deadly weapon.

2. Aggravated Robbery

Aggravated robbery is a severe and non-probationable offense. As per 720 ILCS 5/18-5, a person is charged with aggravated robbery if:

  • While committing robbery, they indicate verbally or by action to have a firearm or a dangerous weapon.

  • They commit robbery by delivering a controlled substance to the victim by deception or force.

3. Armed Robbery

Armed robbery is a Class X felony, the most severe in Illinois. Under 720 ILCS 5/18-2, a person commits armed robbery when they rob someone’s property, and either carry a dangerous weapon, carry a firearm, use the firearm, or use the firearm while committing robbery and cause serious injury or death. Each element leads to different penalties, with the last one carrying the heaviest.

Penalties for Robbery in Chicago, Illinois

Robbery penalties depend on the circumstances of the offense and the existence of aggravating factors such as injuries or death. Here are the potential penalties for robbery as provided for under Illinois law:

  • Robbery is a Class 2 felony subject to a fine of up to $25,000 and a prison sentence of three to seven years. However, if the victim is 60 or older, or the crime is committed in a school, child care center, or a place of worship, robbery is charged as a Class 1 felony, carrying a minimum sentence of 4-15 years in prison.

  • Aggravated robbery is a Class 1 felony, leading to a fine of up to $25,000 and a prison term of four to 15 years.

  • Armed robbery is a Class X felony subject to a fine of up to $25,000 and a minimum of 6 to 30 years in the Illinois Department of Corrections. In addition to the sentence imposed by the court, the offender may face:

    • An additional 15 years if they carried a firearm

    • An additional 20 years if they used a firearm

    • An additional 25 years if they caused serious injury, permanent disability, or death using a firearm

Elements that Constitute Robbery in Chicago, Illinois

For the prosecution to charge you with robbery of any type, the following four elements must be satisfied and proven beyond a reasonable doubt:

Taking Property from Another Person

This element refers to the act of forcefully taking someone else’s property using physical force or threats of violence. The property taken may be tangible or intangible, including money, jewelry, or electronics.

Carrying the Property Away

The accused must have control over the taken property either by carrying it away or interfering with the victim’s possession of it.

Intent to Deprive the Person in Possession of the Item

The prosecution needs to establish that the accused had the intent to remove the item from the possessor entirely.

Taking the Property Through the Use of Force or Threats

Robbery involves the use of force or threat of force to take property from someone. Without proof of force, threats of force, or weapon involvement, a robbery charge has no standing.


Possible Defenses to Robbery

If you’re facing Chicago robbery charges, there are several defense options your robbery and theft crime attorneys could use to protect you against the severe penalties that come with felony offenses. Here are some of the most common defenses against robbery offenses in Chicago, Illinois:

Lack of Intent

If the prosecutor can’t prove that you intended to take away someone else’s property permanently, this could be a viable defense. This could be because of coercion or other reasons.

Mistaken Identity

If your lawyer can show that you were not the person who committed the robbery, this could be an effective defense against the charges.

Lack of Force During the Alleged Crime

As we mentioned above, robbery must involve the use of force or threats. If there was no physical violence or threat of harm during the alleged crime, your attorney could use this as a defense strategy.


This means presenting evidence to prove that you did not commit the crime. For example, if you have an alibi or witnesses that can attest to your whereabouts at the time of the alleged robbery, this could be used as a defense.


If law enforcement officials enticed or coerced you into committing the robbery, this could be grounds for a defense in court.


If you were intoxicated during the commission of the crime and did not have control over your actions, this could be used as a viable defense.


If someone threatened to harm you unless you committed the robbery, this could serve as a valid defense against the charges.

How a Robbery Defense Attorney Can Help

Facing robbery charges in Chicago, IL, is a daunting experience, particularly because your freedom and future are at stake. To be able to fight them, you must choose a criminal defense attorney who’s experienced in handling robbery cases.

An experienced criminal defense attorney can work towards:

  • Getting your charges dismissed

  • Achieving an acquittal

  • Reaching a favorable plea deal with the prosecution

Penalties for robbery depend on the unique circumstances of each case. Therefore, you require an experienced robbery lawyer to increase your chances of a favorable ruling. Illinois robbery lawyers understand state laws and are familiar with criminal proceedings. They can provide invaluable support and guidance throughout the legal process.

Illinois robbery attorneys can thoroughly investigate your case to gather favorable that can weaken the prosecution’s case against you. They will analyze police reports, interview witnesses, and examine surveillance footage if available. With these details, they can identify possible inconsistencies or violations.

Contact Hirsch Law Group Today

To protect your freedom, reputation, and future, consider contacting an aggressive criminal defense attorney from Hirsch Law Group. Fighting your robbery, aggravated robbery, or armed robbery charges alone may jeopardize any chances you have to secure a favorable outcome.

Our experienced legal team has the resources, experience, and knowledge to give your case a chance of success. Contact our law office today for a free consultation.


What Is a Plea Deal in Felony Cases?

A plea deal is an agreement between a defendant and the prosecution. It usually involved pleading guilty in exchange for a lesser charge or a reduced/deferred sentence.