If you or your loved one has been charged with a sex crime, you may be understandably scared. Significant reputational damage already comes with a mere charge. A conviction could lead to many years behind bars. Also, you could suffer further damage to your reputation as a registered sex offender.
Sex crimes include all crimes with a sexual component. Due to their nature, they are treated severely with stiff penalties. But the good news is that a skilled Illinois criminal defense lawyer may be able to help you.
Hiring a Chicago sex crime attorney could reduce your chances of a conviction. However, time is of the essence. If possible, get help as soon as you are arrested or under investigation. That way, your attorney has more time to build a great defense strategy for you.
Contact Hirsch Law Group for more advice.
Illinois puts most acts that may constitute sex crimes into two categories. They are criminal sexual abuse and criminal sexual assault.
Criminal sexual abuse includes conduct of a sexual nature. The penalties for a criminal sexual abuse act depend on the classification of the offense. They include the following:
Class 2 felonies attract between 3-7 years in prison.
Class 4 felonies attract between 1 – 3 years.
Class A misdemeanors carry a penalty of imprisonment for less than a year and a potential fine of up to $2,500.
Criminal sexual assault occurs when a person commits sexual penetration and:
Uses or threatens to use force
Knows that the victim cannot give their knowing consent
Is the victim’s family member, where the victim is younger than 18
Is 17 years old or older and in a position of trust, authority, or supervision over the victim
In the last stipulation, the victim must be at least 13 years old but under 18.
Criminal sexual assault is a Class 1 felony, punishable by between 4-15 years in prison. However, it could be a class X felony where the defendant has a prior conviction for a similar offense. Class X felonies are the most severe felonies in Illinois. They attract from 6 to 30 years or more in prison. Probation is also not an option with Class X felonies.
Internet sex crimes in Illinois include inappropriate sexual conduct over the internet. Common offenses under the Illinois code are child pornography and indecent solicitation of a minor.
Child pornography consists of any visual material that sexually exploits people under 18. Filming, soliciting, disseminating, and possessing such content is a crime.
Indecent solicitation is when one solicits a child to commit a sex act with them. It is an Internet offense when the solicitation is done online.
Both of these offenses are felonies that generally range from Class 3 to Class X felonies, depending on the circumstances. Class 3 felonies are punishable by 2-5 years imprisonment. However, non-consensual dissemination of private sexual images is a Class 4 felony internet sex offense with 1-3 years of jail time.
Any sex crime committed against children is considered a grave criminal offense. Child sex crimes are typically punished more strictly. The reasoning is that children are an especially vulnerable group in the society. As such, the law aims to give them special protection.
Sex crimes against children include aggravated sexual abuse, predatory criminal sexual assault, and child pornography. Predatory criminal sexual assault is one of the most severe crimes in this category. The punishment for the crime ranges from 6 years in prison to life imprisonment. It depends on the alleged victim’s age and other case circumstances.
Other offenses include grooming, traveling to meet a child, and child photography by a sex offender. In 2017, the statute of limitations on felony child sex crimes in Illinois was removed. The meaning is that no matter how much time has passed, alleged victims of child sex crimes that constitute felonies can report the crime for prosecution. They will not be statute barred.
The Illinois Compiled Statutes provides two aggravated sexual offenses. They are aggravated criminal sexual assault and aggravated criminal sexual abuse. Certain factors can make a sex crime, or crime in general, become aggravated. According to the code, the following circumstances could make a person liable for aggravated sex crimes:
Causing bodily harm to the victim
Displaying, threatening to use, or using a dangerous weapon
Acting in a manner that endangers the victim’s life or that of someone else
Abusing a victim that is elderly or disabled
Committing the sex crime while doing or attempting to commit another felony
There are many other aggravating factors depending on the particular crime committed. Aggravated criminal sexual assault is a Class X felony in Illinois. Meanwhile, aggravated criminal sexual abuse could be a Class 1 or Class 2 felony.
Public order sex offenses violate societal standards of decency and morality. They often involve sexual behavior in public places. Examples under the Illinois code include public indecency and soliciting a prostitute. It also includes voyeurism which falls under disorderly conduct.
Our seasoned sex offenses attorneys can assist you if you are unsure about the legal implications of the charges against you or want someone to evaluate your case and advise you on how to proceed.
You can benefit from hiring an attorney for a variety of reasons. Criminal defense attorneys from the Hirsch Law Group may be able to assist you in a variety of ways. We can help you:
Get your charges or sentence reduced
Negotiate a plea deal with the prosecuting attorney
Defend your criminal rights
Ensure due process is followed during the trial
Build a solid defense that can lead to your sex crime charges being dropped
Investigate and find evidence to refute the sex crime allegations
Provide you with legal advice, guidance, and support
In Illinois, most sex crimes are felonies and carry stiff penalties. So be sure to vigorously defend yourself with the help of competent legal representation from Hirsch Law Group. Schedule an appointment to learn how we can help you.
Being convicted of a sex crime can ruin your life. You might have a fighting chance to avoid that if you have a good sex crimes lawyer on your side. At Hirsch Law Group, we offer top-quality criminal defense to all our clients.
We understand the seriousness of the situation and will provide the highest level of support and advice. We will do everything possible to help you fight your charges and achieve the best possible outcome.
Providing comprehensive and compassionate representation for our clients is the hallmark of our practice. We will fight tirelessly to protect your rights at every step.
Get a complimentary consultation today with a highly experienced felony lawyer, and let us get started on your defense.