Traffic Tickets? Don’t Pay Without Legal Help
Losing your driving privileges through a suspended or revoked license can cause significant hardship. Drivers in Illinois rely on their licenses to make a living and go about their lives. When they lose their driver’s license, through committing multiple offenses, failing to pay child support, or for other reasons, all of this is at risk.
Police officers and prosecutors crack down on individuals who operate their motor vehicles during a license revocation or suspension period. Driving with a suspended or revoked license can lead to criminal penalties, including fines and jail time. If you have lost your driving privilege through revocation or suspension, contact an experienced lawyer to help reinstate it, and do not risk driving.
Hirsch Law Group takes an aggressive approach toward protecting the rights of the accused. Our lawyers have been helping Illinois citizens with traffic infractions and criminal matters for over 20 years. We have a deep understanding of local traffic laws throughout the state, and we have the skills necessary to help you with your case.
Each time you pay for a traffic ticket without hiring a lawyer, you are putting your driving privileges at risk. You could have your license revoked for minor traffic tickets, such as speeding or running a red light. When this happens, you will need to hire an attorney to help you get through the license reinstatement process.
Call Hirsch Law Group today to schedule a free consultation at 815-880-1134.
Suspended License vs. Revoked License
A suspended or revoked driver’s license cannot be used to drive legally. If you commit multiple traffic violations, commit certain felony offenses, fail to pay child support, drive without valid auto insurance, or fail to comply with Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) requirements, you can have your driver’s license suspended or revoked.
The primary difference between a suspended and having your driver’s license revoked is that a suspended license can be reinstated after a certain time. In contrast, a revoked license is taken away forever. However, both suspension and revocation can seriously impact your life and cost you a lot of money. While each state uses its own point system, certain offenses will get you in trouble.
Suspended License in Illinois
Illinois law views holding a driver’s license as a privilege, not a right. As such, drivers are at risk of driver’s license suspension for various reasons. Some of these reasons include:
Committing multiple driving offenses, including speeding, reckless driving, and driving under the influence
Failure to make child support payments
Diagnosed with certain medical conditions that prevent you from driving safely
Failure to appear in court or pay any court costs or fines
Driving without auto insurance
Suspension Period
The suspension period you receive can either be a specific period or indefinite. If it is a specific period, it will be determined by particular factors, such as the number of points you have or the minimum requirements set out by law.
With an indefinite license suspension, you must take action to get your driver’s license reinstated, which could include paying a fine or submitting a petition to the court.
If you have committed a traffic violation and are worried that your license may be suspended or at risk of being suspended, speak with an attorney as soon as possible. They can check whether you received a suspension notice, advise you on how to proceed, and ensure you are not found guilty of further traffic violations by driving on a suspended or revoked license.
A revoked driver’s license is more serious than a driver’s license suspension, as the DMV believes you are permanently unfit for the road. The consequences of revoked licenses last longer, and it is significantly more challenging to get back on the road after a revocation. Some reasons you can face driver’s license revocation include:
Driving without insurance
Convicted of multiple criminal offenses
Convicted of multiple DUIs
Making false statements
Older age
Can I Get a Suspended or Revoked License Reinstated?
If you got your driver’s license suspended or revoked, your primary concern is probably getting back on the road as soon as possible. With a suspended license, there are several ways that you can get your license reinstated. However, with revoked licenses, the process is much more complex and only available in some situations.
Suspended Driver’s License
In Illinois, a suspended license means either suspended for a specific or indefinite period. If your driver’s license suspension is for a particular time, for example, six months, you can get your license reinstated once this period has passed and you have paid the reinstatement fee.
If it is indefinite, it may be because of unpaid fines or fees or because you are awaiting sentencing. In these cases, your lawyer can help you get your license reinstated by paying the fees, petitioning the court, or applying to the state DMV to get your license reinstated while awaiting the result of your case.
Revoked Driver’s License
Reinstating a revoked driver’s license in Illinois is significantly more difficult. To apply for reinstatement, a lawyer can submit an application to the Secretary of State on your behalf and schedule a formal or informal hearing. During the hearing, a lawyer can argue why you need to get your license reinstated, providing evidence to support your case.
There are some requirements for reinstating a revoked driver’s license, including:
Pass a driver’s test
Reinstatement fees
Proof of insurance
Completion of traffic school
Completion of alcohol/drug awareness course in DUI cases
Installation of an ignition interlock device (IID) for DUI cases
If you have a revoked license, getting a hardship license may also be possible. A hardship license is not a complete one, and it has many limitations. However, it enables those with a revoked license to drive to work or carry out necessary tasks.
This license type is only available in some cases, and specific requirements must be met. A traffic defense lawyer can help you apply for a hardship license in Illinois if you meet the requirements.
Driving On a Suspended or Revoked License
Although you may require your motor vehicle to go to and from work or school, driving on a suspended or revoked license is a criminal offense under Illinois law. If convicted of this crime, you could face serious penalties and risk losing your license permanently.
Some penalties you could receive include:
First conviction – Jail time of ten days or thirty days of community service plus fines.
Class A misdemeanor – Jail time of up to one year and fines of up to $2,500. If you commit another crime while driving on a suspended or revoked license and cause harm to another person or property, you risk being charged with a felony. You will receive a permanent criminal record if convicted of a criminal offense. The consequences of a permanent criminal record include constant background searches, difficulties finding employment, a ban from accessing public housing, and much more.
Suspended/Revoked Driver’s Licenses For Commercial Drivers
Drivers holding a commercial driver’s license are at a much higher risk of revocation in Illinois. If a commercial driver commits a major violation, they risk automatic license suspension. If they commit two serious offenses within two years, they risk suspension for six months.
Some examples of major violations that cause automatic suspension for commercial drivers include:
Negligent driving that results in a fatal accident
Operating a commercial vehicle with a revoked, suspended, or canceled license
Leaving an accident scene
Committing a felony offense by using a commercial vehicle
Driving with a blood alcohol content higher than 0.04%
Refusing to take a blood or breath test
Because commercial drivers have an extra level of responsibility on Illinois roads, the law is significantly more challenging when it comes to suspension or revocation. If you are a commercial driver facing license suspension or revocation, it is essential to contact an experienced attorney to help with your case. Losing your license means losing your job, being left without a source of income, and facing serious hardship.
How to Respond When Your License Is Suspended/Revoked
When your license has been suspended or revoked, it is essential to understand the terms of the suspension or revocation. You should find info about the suspension duration and what conditions must be met for reinstatement.
Generally, you should cease your driving activities immediately to avoid further penalties. You should also verify your license suspension, as there can be administrative errors.
Legal Options and Defenses
Depending on the circumstances that led you to license suspension, legal defense options may be available. Some of the most common defenses include the following:
Mistaken identity – If you receive a traffic ticket for an offense, but it was not you driving the vehicle, this creates a legal defense case.
Lack of evidence – In some cases, authorities have insufficient evidence to prove their allegations. For example, if they cannot produce official documents or video footage confirming your speeding offenses.
Faulty test equipment – Breathalyzers and speed detection equipment may be inaccurate or improperly calibrated, leading to false readings.
Duress – If you were forced to drive when your license was suspended or revoked, this can serve as a defense case.
Illegal stop – If police stop you without probable cause, this is illegal. Any evidence collected during an unlawful stop can be excluded from court proceedings.
Working with an attorney can help you determine your case’s best legal defense options. They can also help you navigate the complexities of the legal system and potentially get your license reinstated or charges reduced.
Role of an Attorney in Your Case
Working with an attorney on your license suspension and revocation case can help you in various ways. A skilled attorney can provide invaluable assistance when your driver’s license is suspended or revoked. They can help you understand the charges, the law regarding the charges, penalties, severity of penalties, and the legal process, and help you prepare a defense to protect your rights in court.
With the experience of a knowledgeable attorney, you can defend your rights and protect your driving privileges. They can advise you on steps to take to mitigate the impact of the suspension or revocation and prevent future incidents.
Contact an Attorney at Hirsch Law Group Today!
If you are at risk of losing your driving privileges in Illinois, either through a suspended license or license revocation, speak with an experienced traffic attorney immediately. The consequences of losing your driver’s license can be severe, and you may face difficulties with employment and hiked insurance premiums, on top of other related consequences.
Hirsch Law Group specializes in helping clients fight against an unfair legal system in Illinois. We are a team of aggressive defense attorneys with significant experience defending clients’ rights. Regarding license suspension and revocation, we understand how difficult losing your license can be. Our lawyers will do everything we can to fight against license suspension on your behalf.
If your license has been suspended or revoked, we will petition to reinstate it and get you back on the road. We have over 15 years of experience providing top-quality legal service, and we know what it takes to protect our client’s rights.
Call us today to schedule a free consultation at 815-880-1134.