Multilingual Staff

Zoom Court in Illinois: Understanding Remote Legal Proceedings

In the Chicago metro area, remote legal proceedings have become an integral part of our justice system. Some cases and proceedings are heard via Zoom, a video conferencing software used instead of attending in-person court. 

Below, you’ll find information about how to access and use Zoom as well as links and passwords for many of the local courts. 

Preparing for Zoom Court

Technical Requirements

Internet Connection:
A stable internet connection is crucial. We recommend an internet speed of at least 2 Mbps.

Device Specifications:

  • Desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone
  • Webcam (built-in or external)
  • Microphone and speakers or a headset

The latest version of Zoom must be installed on your device. It is free to download and use in a limited capacity. 


Background and Attire:

  • Background: Simple and uncluttered, or use a neutral virtual background.
  • Attire: Dress as you would for an in-person court appearance, typically in business or business casual attire.


  • Conduct yourself professionally, as if you were physically present in the courtroom. Avoid eating, drinking, or smoking during the session. Do not call in from a vehicle.

Testing Your Zoom Setup

  • Audio and Video: Use Zoom’s test function to check our microphone and camera.
  • Internet Connection: Run an internet speed test to confirm your connection is stable.
  • Lighting: Ensure your face is well-lit and visible.
  • Background Noise: Test for potential background noise and seek ways to mitigate it. Using headphones can help with this. 

We also recommend signing in at least 10-15 minutes early to troubleshoot any last-minute issues and familiarize yourself with Zoom’s interface.

How to Use Zoom for Your Court Appearance

To join a Zoom meeting for a court appearance, go online and navigate to and enter the Zoom Meeting ID and Password provided to you by the court or available on this page. 

If you have been given a specific Zoom link to use, you may also enter that into your browser and then provide the Zoom password when prompted. 

Cook County – Bridgeview, Fifth Municipal District – Zoom Links

CourtroomZoom Meeting Room IDPassword

Cook County – 26th & California Criminal Division – Zoom Links

Judge Name, Courtroom Number
Zoom Meeting Room IDPasswordTelephone Dial-in Number
Judge Erica L. Reddick, Courtroom 101969 4477 8955030385312-626-6799
SVP, SEED Call, Br. 66/98, Br. 9, Courtroom 102990 1801 9444208199312-626-6799
SVP CALL, Courtroom 3A15849 2114 5475590675312-626-6799
Judge Arthur W. Willis, Courtroom 201965 0084 7832125966312-626-6799
Judge William G. Gamboney, Courtroom 202922 6675 8453377907312-626-6799
Judge Diana L. Kenworthy, Courtroom 203982 8817 8716592583312-626-6799
Judge Domenica A. Stephenson, Courtroom 204965 7598 4453897815312-626-6799
Judge Sophia Atcherson, Courtroom 205911 7494 9221383031312-626-6799
Judge Maria Kuriakos-Ciesil, Courtroom 206976 1365 4097801089312-626-6799
Judge Joanne F. Rosado, Courtroom 207942 9854 5683775708312-626-6799
Judge John Fitzgerald Lyke, Jr., Courtroom 208986 7046 7543778999312-626-6799
Judge Adrienne E. Davis, Courtroom 301951 7153 3982486896312-626-6799
Judge Petrone, Courtroom 302In Person Only  
Judge William B. Raines, Courtroom 303913 4227 9085835614312-626-6799
Judge Steven G. Watkins, Courtroom 304988 4119 9833277709312-626-6799
Judge Alfredo Maldonado, Courtroom 305978 7250 2618156671312-626-6799
Judge Ursula Walowski, Courtroom 306988 8204 2956305326312-626-6799
Judge Peggy Chiampas, Courtroom 307990 3274 0273089118312-626-6799
Judge Michael Clancy, Courtroom 308950 6417 1431615417312-626-6799
Judge Burns, Courtroom 402In Person Only  
Judge Timothy Joyce, Courtroom 104990 1272 3236993353312-626-6799
Judge Gaughan, Courtroom 500In Person Only  
Judge Kenneth J. Wadas, Courtroom 502920 7869 4749066907312-626-6799
Judge Flood, Courtroom 504In Person Only  
Judge William H. Hooks, Courtroom 506974 8013 1899531213312-626-6799
Judge Mchale, Courtroom 600In Person Only  
Judge Sacks, Courtroom 602In Person Only  
Judge Thomas J. Bryne, Courtroom 604937 6476 7648230350312-626-6799
Judge Mary NI. Brosnahan, Courtroom 606968 9745 8639367241312-626-6799
Judge James B. Linn, Courtroom 700953 7472 2662495237312-626-6799
Judge Carol M. Howard, Courtroom 702989 0058 8594496810312-626-6799
Judge Joseph M. Claps, Courtroom 704945 6945 6650215666312-626-6799
Judge James M. Obbish, Courtroom 706957 3244 3804455947312-626-6799

Cook County – Domestic Violence Division at 555 W. Harrison St. – Zoom Links

Judge Name, Courtroom NumberZoom Meeting Room IDPasswordTelephone Dial In Number
Judge Laura, Courtroom 301984-0054-8570609521312-626-6799
Judge Jeanne, Courtroom 401989-8635-3356281353312-626-6799
Judge Callie, Courtroom 402932-7584-5484066609312-626-6799
Judge Megan, Courtroom 404916-7408-1280069207312-626-6799
Judge Thomas, Courtroom 201957-3987-5125322709312-626-6799
Judge Geri Pinzur, Courtroom 202985-2811-5317522730312-626-6799
Judge Marina, Courtroom 304971-9496-5851912820312-626-6799
Judge Michael, Courtroom 403940-7695-2716485387312-626-6799
Judge Beatriz, Courtroom 302939-4441-2898706208312-626-6799
Judge Stephanie, Courtroom 106999-5924-9595565680312-626-6799
Judge Joel, Courtroom 107946-4349-5571824307312-626-6799
Judge Terrance, Courtroom 104945-6458-4728327014312-626-6799
Judge Elizabeth, Courtroom 204923-923-77195036647312-626-6799
Judge Debra, Courtroom 203843-2992-6660181757312-626-6799
Judge Tiana, Courtroom 104971-9297-4604193976312-626-6799

Cook County – First Municipal District, Traffic Division Daley Center – Zoom Links

Courtroom Number Time Zoom Meeting Room ID Password
Courtroom LL04 9:00 a.m. 955-7183-7462 824291
Courtroom CL01 9:00 a.m. 925-2790-9147 909258
Courtroom CL01 10:00 a.m. 986-3930-0831 346230
Courtroom CL01 11:00 a.m. 938-9275-8315 201263
Courtroom CL01 1:30 p.m. 977-8259-9668 111842
Courtroom CL01 2:30 p.m. 985-8953-3909 898595
Courtroom CL03 9:00 a.m. 961-6584-7757 289646
Courtroom CL03 10:00 a.m. 996-9618-2638 692831
Courtroom CL03 11:00 a.m. 939-7766-9818 990661
Courtroom CL03 1:30 p.m. 949-7653-3712 093045
Courtroom CL03 2:30 p.m. 979-8947-0226 471208
Courtroom CL05 9:00 a.m. 992-6249-3308 277487
Courtroom CL05 10:00 a.m. 985-3125-8375 686262
Courtroom CL05 11:00 a.m. 994-3345-4905 551641
Courtroom CL05 1:30 p.m. 973-0392-5230 122709
Courtroom CL05 2:30 p.m. 919-8567-6946 578507
Courtroom CL07 9:00 a.m. 946-1451-7116 294215
Courtroom CL07 10:00 a.m. 923-2365-8333 967949
Courtroom CL07 11:00 a.m. 929-0822-2070 208012
Courtroom CL07 1:30 p.m. 990-5745-9861 190536
Courtroom CL07 2:30 p.m. 960-3319-8462 465379
Courtroom 401 9:00 a.m. 964-8090-2589 120473
Courtroom 401 10:00 a.m. 949-3972-5096 554063
Courtroom 401 11:00 a.m. 983-5699-6823 602023
Courtroom 401 1:30 p.m. 947-9919-7535 263913
Courtroom 401 2:30 p.m. 998-4848-9769 925611
Courtroom 402 9:00 a.m. 940-9456-3850 675500
Courtroom 402 1:00 p.m. 940-9456-3850 675500
Courtroom 403 9:00 a.m. 926-7225-1643 210137
Courtroom 403 1:00 p.m. 926-7225-1643 210137
Courtroom 404 9:00 a.m. 964-4552-6492 165309
Courtroom 404 1:00 p.m. 964-4552-6492 165309
Courtroom 405 9:00 a.m. 951-7941-5944 723802
Courtroom 405 1:00 p.m. 951-7941-5944 723802
Courtroom 406 9:00 a.m. 943-4480-3514 043899
Courtroom 406 1:00 p.m. 943-4480-3514 043899
Courtroom 407 9:00 a.m. 981-4154-6640 570442
Courtroom 407 10:00 a.m. 925-9275-0222 855729
Courtroom 407 11:00 a.m. 965-0088-0641 062928
Courtroom 407 1:30 p.m. 997-5116-0219 056382
Courtroom 407 2:30 p.m. 968-4560-0918 029362
Courtroom 408 9:00 a.m. 984-7360-8511 029006
Courtroom 408 1:00 p.m. 984-7360-8511 029006

Cook County – Maywood – Zoom Links

CourtroomZoom Meeting Room IDPassword
101979 9729 7715432184
102989 6671 0237118364
103920 5358 4273087092
104945 6458 4728327014
105933 4820 6728062444
106977 4137 6555569319
107971 2726 9481140713
108922 4460 0558004340
109964 7343 2908263045
110931 4635 6501277704
111936 6870 5913862976
112914 3462 0283988648
113921 7704 7659440327
201985 4839 3692765383

Cook County – Markham – Zoom Links

Zoom Meeting Room IDPassword
Courtroom 098965-7171-0566318840
Courtroom 099943-4023-1877423546
Courtroom 101957-6995-3120131213
Courtroom 102 – Tuesday and Friday984-2555-1477251765
Courtroom 102 – M W & Th916-2079-659no password required
Courtoom 102 Order of Protection Call843-2992-6660181757
Courtroom 103941-3211-9663275710
Courtroom 104971-9297-4604193976
Courtroom 105972-0840-6554492628
Courtroom 106984-3414-1345899032
Courtroom 107999-9611-8221392824
Courtroom 108930-1700-7680503944
Courtroom 201977-8788-6003740376
Courtroom 202953-8235-1216399740
Courtroom 203992-1353-9161637487
Courtroom 204943-4096-5677576111
Courtroom 205988-9806-9685072591
Courtroom 206936-6377-7908489733
Courtroom 207989-3246-8139089630
Courtroom 208940-4468-5993057404
Courtroom 209923-7263-5465820337
Courtroom 210968-2240-0197796744

Cook County – Rolling Meadows – Zoom Links

Courtroom Number, DescriptionZoom Meeting Room IDPassword
Traffic/Misdemeanor, 101950 1376 1654382193
Traffic/Misdemeanor, 102986 2918 8336540199
Traffic/Misdemeanor, 103958 1185 7840378322
Traffic/Misdemeanor, 104932 8015 5207623446
Motions, 107946 4349 5571824307
Bond, 108960 0952 5959116044
Felony, 109989 3784 1221150919
Felony, 110968 2376 9037836410
Traffic/Misdemeanor, 201988 8944 2455930492
Traffic/Misdemeanor, 202958 9027 3943469150
Traffic/Misdemeanor, 203917 5323 7897090594
Civil, 204967 0125 5353680014
Civil, 205984 0874 5677154544
Civil, 206988 2593 4540659357
Domestic Violence, 207929 3088 6398975525
Mental Health/Vet, Parentage,
Post Conviction, Expungements, 208
965 2506 2629034177
Traffic/Misdemeanor, 208917 3982 8378798054
Traffic/Misdemeanor, 209917 3982 8378798054

Cook County – Skokie – Zoom Links

Courtroom Number
Zoom Meeting Room IDPassword
Courtroom 102994-3602-5343756943
Courtroom 104910-7264-7468228880
Courtroom 105350-745-268105105
Courtroom 106999-5924-9595565680
Courtroom 108151-027-649108108
Courtoom 206989-3801-1005632187
Courtroom 208964-4905-8153208208

Civil Division

Judge Name, Courtroom Number
Zoom Meeting Room IDPassword
Judge Jeffrey L. Wamick, Courtroom 202925-0801-8507202202
Judge James Allegretti, Courtroom 204987-2803-9610204204

Domestic Relations

Judge Name, Courtroom Number
Zoom Meeting Room IDPassword
Judge Jeanne Reynolds, Courtroom 203/V & 82929 8905 6499016574

Domestic Violence

Judge Name, Courtroom Number
Zoom Meeting Room IDPassword
Judge Saltouros, Courtroom 106/2999 5924 9595565680

Dekalb County, IL – Zoom Links

Judge Name, Courtroom Number Zoom Meeting Room ID Password Link Livestream
Pretrial Release Call 746 235 4402 12345


or Livestream:

or Livestream:

Judge Buick – Courtroom 220 510 015 7432 12345 Livestream:
Judge Gallagher Chami – Courtroom 330 204 737 1759 12345
Judge Klein – Courtroom 200 864 920 8888 12345 Livestream:
Judge Konen – Courtroom 100 544 955 9728 12345 Livestream:
Judge Montgomery – Courtroom 210 788 729 4927 12345 Livestream:
Judge Pedersen – Courtroom 230 936 331 7877 12345
