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Defend Your Future With a Skilled Chicago Federal Criminal Lawyer

Experience the Protection of a Strong Defense Team

Federal criminal law refers to the body of statutes or rules made by the federal legislative authorities that define criminal conduct and the punishment assigned to the commission of each crime.

Infringements of federal criminal law are investigated and prosecuted with the vast resources of the federal government. As such, the government can secure a criminal conviction 98% of the time when prosecuting such infringements. This is why having a well-equipped criminal defense law firm is essential if facing federal charges.

Understanding Federal Criminal Law in the US.

Federal criminal law refers to the body of statutes or rules made by the federal legislative authorities that define criminal conduct and the punishment assigned to the commission of each crime.

Infringements of federal criminal law are investigated and prosecuted with the vast resources of the federal government. As such, the government can secure a criminal conviction 98% of the time when prosecuting such infringements. This is why having a well-equipped and experienced legal team is essential if facing federal charges.

When You Need a Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney 

A federal offense is any conduct prohibited under federal laws. It includes all offenses committed with a federal element, including the following:

  • Crimes committed on federal property, including any land, building, or real property owned or leased by the federal government or a government department.

  • Crimes committed across state lines or that occurred in more than one state. A typical example of this kind of crime is drug trafficking.

  • Crimes in which the victim was a federal agent.

  • Crimes committed by using a federal entity or against a federal entity, such as the US postal service.

Examples of Federal Offenses

There are many federal crimes under the United States Code, but some of the more common examples include the following:

  • Immigration law violations

  • White-collar crimes such as counterfeiting, wire fraud, and money laundering when they cross state lines or affect federal agencies or the national banking system

  • Sexual offenses such as the distribution of child pornography through interstate commerce or sexual trafficking across multiple states

  • Federal drug crimes prohibited under the federal Controlled Substances Act, such as drug trafficking across state lines

  • Acts of treason or terrorism against the US.

Federal Crimes Vs. State Crimes

Federal crimes are different from state crimes. The criminal law of a state prescribes the latter and applies to crimes committed within the boundaries of that particular state.

The state and federal criminal justice systems operate as parallels, and every US citizen is subject to the federal criminal laws and those of the state where they live.

Still, the systems overlap in some cases, and the same conduct can amount to a crime under federal and state law. When this happens, the state and federal governments have concurrent jurisdiction to prosecute the offense.

The unique detail in this situation is that a person can be tried twice under federal and state law for the same criminal incident. For example, if a person committed kidnapping in a state and transported the victim across state lines, the federal and particular state authorities can prosecute the perpetrator separately. If the state prosecutes and acquits the perpetrator, the acquittal does not affect the federal government’s right to prosecute on the same set of facts and vice versa.

If a state court has acquitted you for a concurrent jurisdiction crime, and you’re facing new charges in federal court, your previous state court acquittal or discharge cannot be used as a defense in your new case since the double jeopardy rule does not apply. You’ll need to fight your federal charges with the help of an experienced criminal defense lawyer if you hope to avoid a conviction.

Understanding the Federal Criminal Legal Timeline

The federal criminal justice process follows a structured timeline that differs significantly from state proceedings. According to the U.S. Courts Administrative Office, federal cases typically take 6-12 months from investigation to resolution, with complex cases extending beyond two years.

The investigation phase begins when federal agencies like the FBI or DEA detect potential criminal activity. Federal investigations typically utilize surveillance methods, including wiretaps, electronic monitoring, and undercover operations in their cases.

Following investigation, prosecutors must establish probable cause before filing charges. The grand jury process is unique to federal cases, where a panel of 16-23 citizens reviews evidence in secret proceedings. According to federal court data, grand juries return indictments in approximately 99% of cases presented.

Pre-trial procedures involve complex motions practice and discovery exchanges. The Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure mandate specific timelines: prosecutors must provide initial discovery within 14 days of arraignment, and defense motions typically must be filed within 30 days.

The trial phase involves stringent procedural requirements. Federal criminal trials have a 97% conviction rate when cases go to jury, significantly higher than state courts. However, only about 2% of federal criminal cases reach trial, with most resolving through plea agreements.

Key pre-trial procedures include:

  • Detention hearings within 3-5 days of arrest
  • Preliminary hearings within 14 days if detained
  • Motion filing deadlines typically 30-45 days before trial
  • Mandatory pretrial conferences
  • Witness and exhibit lists are due 14 days before trial

Understanding these timelines is crucial for mounting an effective defense strategy in federal court.

Steps in the Federal Crime Prosecution Process


For federal criminal offenses, the prosecution process usually begins with an investigation into a suspected violation of federal law by federal law enforcement agencies, like the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) or the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Sometimes, their investigative tools and methods could violate individuals’ rights and encroach on their privacy.

An experienced criminal defense lawyer can identify such breaches and get the evidence illegally obtained thrown out.  


Once federal investigators can gather sufficient evidence against the suspect, the matter will be transferred to a federal prosecutor from the Department of Justice. Depending on the offense, the federal prosecutor may file a criminal complaint straightaway or pursue an indictment before a grand jury.

Indictment proceedings question whether there is reasonable cause to bring charges against the defendant in federal cases. The procedure is compulsory for all federal felonies or capital offenses. If the grand jury finds ‘reasonable cause’ after considering the evidence against the defendant, they will issue an indictment (formal charge) against them.


After an arrest or indictment, the defendant in a federal criminal case will be arraigned before the appropriate federal court. They’ll be required to plead guilty or not guilty at the arraignment. Each choice of plea has different legal implications that could determine the course and outcome of your case. Your criminal defense lawyer can help you determine which option best benefits you after considering the entire situation from a legal perspective.


After the arraignment, both parties usually engage in a process called discovery of evidence. The evidence obtained from the prosecution at this stage is significant and can help you prepare a solid criminal defense. An experienced federal criminal defense attorney is necessary at this stage to ensure that you obtain the evidence necessary for your defense.

Plea Bargain

Federal prosecutors may resort to plea bargaining to save time and resources instead of going to trial. They often offer plea deals to criminal defendants, promising them some concessions in exchange for a guilty plea. However, a plea deal is only appropriate in some cases, and wrongly accepting one could jeopardize your chances of getting future legal reliefs such as an appeal.

Let a qualified criminal defense lawyer assess the situation and the terms of the agreement and determine whether or not accepting a deal benefits you before you take any steps.


If the plea deal falls through or you cannot achieve a fair plea deal or refuse to plead ‘guilty,’ the case will proceed to trial in a federal court. At this stage, you need solid legal representation from a criminal defense attorney to cross-examine witnesses, fight for your innocence, and thoroughly disprove the evidence brought against you.

After both parties make their case, the jury decides and reaches a guilty or not guilty verdict. You will be free to leave the court if you are found not guilty. If found guilty, you will face another hearing regarding your sentencing.


The sentence for federal crimes upon conviction may include the following:

  • Imprisonment

  • Probation

  • Restitution

  • Community service.

The punishment’s extent or severity depends on the offense’s nature. Felonies typically attract stricter punishment than misdemeanors. 

The prosecution and the defense attorney may recommend a sentence to the judge. Ultimately, your sentence will be up to the judge’s discretion and the provisions of the federal sentencing guidelines.

When You Need a Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney

You need a Chicago federal criminal defense attorney as soon as possible if you find yourself in any of these situations: 

  • Been arrested or charged with a federal crime: This is the most obvious scenario. Federal crimes are prosecuted in federal courts, and the government’s resources can be overwhelming. A skilled criminal defense lawyer can help you navigate this complex process and give you the most substantial chance of getting your charges dropped or reduced.

  • Under investigation by federal law enforcement agencies: If you suspect that law enforcement is investigating a suspected federal crime, for example, federal drug crimes or white-collar offenses like fraud, contact a criminal defense lawyer immediately. They’ll work to ensure that your rights are protected throughout the investigation and shield you from making statements or disclosures that could potentially incriminate you.

  • About to be indicted by the federal grand jury: You must have a criminal defense lawyer on your side if you believe that an indictment is in the works. An experienced attorney can make sure that your rights are protected throughout the process and give you the best chance of avoiding a formal charge.

Your choice of a Chicago criminal defense attorney could determine the outcome of your case. You need an experienced criminal lawyer who can navigate the complex federal criminal justice system and zealously advocate for your rights.

How a Federal Criminal Defense Lawyer at Hirsch Can Help

We have what it takes to take on your case and fight aggressively at Hirsch Law Group. Some of the ways we can help with your federal trial include the following:

  • We can evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your case and formulate a working defense strategy to match your situation

  • We are also prepared to file any pre-trial motions that could advance your case. 

  • Nothing gets past us during the discovery process. We understand the evidence to look out for in each case. We can ensure the prosecution does not hide evidence that could exonerate you. The evidence we gather will help us solidify your defense or determine whether alternative courses, such as a plea deal, will be more beneficial. In the appropriate circumstances, we can help you negotiate your plea deal with the prosecution and help you get better terms.

  • To win a criminal case, the federal prosecutor must establish your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. We aim to disprove the prosecution’s evidence against you and introduce reasonable doubt to the jury using our advanced legal skills. In that case, they’ll be less likely to convict you.

  • We can also represent you at your sentencing hearing. Our goal is to persuade the judge to give you a light sentence or alternative punishment instead of imprisonment.

At Hirsch Law Group, our primary objective is to protect your constitutional rights and preserve your freedom. If you are facing federal criminal charges in Chicago or Arlington Heights, contact us today for a free consultation. Let us fight for you and help secure the best possible outcome for your case.

Get Help With Your Federal Criminal Charges From the Hirsch Law Group

Our group of federal criminal defense attorneys at Hirsch Law Group includes former prosecutors who know the ins and outs of criminal law. Using our substantial experience with federal criminal cases and the federal court system, we can fight to ensure you get favorable outcomes.

If you suspect you’re being investigated for a federal criminal offense or you’ve already been charged, do not hesitate to contact us by scheduling a free consultation with our law firm. Let us discuss your legal options, advise you on your case, and develop a strong criminal defense on your behalf.